Confederate gay pride flag cousin wranglers

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'Hey, It's Jim, really funny, check it out!' If I found one of those guys, you know he would be hanging in my front yard by sundown.Ī MESSAGE TO ALL YOU VIRUS MAKING GEEKS OUT THEREĪnd what gets me the most, is that F.B.I can spend all their time going around and busting lonely divorced guys beating it to kiddie porn, but they cant get some douche with a pocket protector sending around an e -mail titled : I hate computer nerds, especially the ones that don't have any life, and just want to get back at the world because they were picked on in school, so they sit around making Trojan viruses and jerking each other off. However, shouldn't have to worry about shit like that, but of course thanks to fat asses like Randall, and Sherman, who live in their mothers basements doing nothing but sending viruses to people, we have to deal with that shit. Getting the virus was I guess my own fault, as it was disguised as an anti- virus software on my computer that I didn't realize was never on my computer to begin with, and I so stupidly clicked on it.

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I couldn't, because my computer was infected with a virus, and for the past couple days it was having a virus sweep done on all the bullshit that was on my computer.

So in my last article, I said that I would probably post the following day, well guess what.

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